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Chapter 1 Mission, Goals, and Objectives


  1. Mission of AFJROTC

  2. Goals of AFJROTC

  3. Objective of AFJROTC

  4. Cadet Honor Code     

  5. Core Values

  6. GA-952 Values Approach

  7. History of JROTC

  8. Objective

  9. AFJROTC Motto

  10. AFJROTC Cadet Creed


Chapter 2 Proper Uniform Wear


  1. Introduction

  2. Compliant Wear of the Uniform

  3. Uniform Designations

  4. General Uniform Standards

  5. Proper Uniform Wear


Chapter 3 Corps Organization and Functional Area Responsibilities


  1. Introduction

  2. Chain of Command

  3. Officer Responsibilities

  4. Qualifications and Selection

  5. Grounds for Removal


Chapter 4 Rank and Promotions


  1. Introduction

  2. Promotion Eligibility

  3. Enlisted Promotion Procedure

  4. Officer Promotion Procedure


Chapter 5 Opportunities and Rewards


  1. Introduction

  2. Academics

  3. Unit Organization

  4. Co-Curricular and Extra-Curricular Activities

  5. Leadership Development Requirement (LDR) Activities

  6. Cadet Leadership Course

  7. AFJROTC Letter


Chapter 6 Awards and Decorations


  1. Introduction

  2. Unit Policies and Award Criteria

  3. School Award

  4. Cords


Chapter 7 Admission, Transfer, and Disenrollment


  1. Eligibility

  2. Transfer Students

  3. Disenrollment of Students

  4. Disenrollment Procedure


Chapter 8 Customs and Courtesies


  1. Introduction

  2. Addressing Others

  3. Saluting

  4. Calling Room to Attention


Chapter 9 Conduct and Classroom Procedure


  1. Introduction

  2. Conduct

  3. Courtesies Rendered to Adults

  4. Inappropriate Behavior

  5. Verbal Abuse

  6. Physical Discipline and Hazing

  7. Quibbling

  8. Classroom Procedure

  9. Classroom Conduct


Chapter 10 Health and Wellness Program


  1. Introduction

  2. Objective

  3. Procedure

  4. Physical Fitness Examination

  5. Award of the Physical Fitness Ribbon

  6. Safety Considerations


Chapter 11 Reserve Cadet Participation

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