I. Eligibility
To be eligible for membership and continuance in the Sequoyah High School AFJROTC program a student must:
Be enrolled and attending a regular course of AFJROTC instruction at Sequoyah High School.
Be in the ninth grade or above.
Possess good moral character and maintain acceptable disciplinary standards.
Be physically able to participate in AFJROTC training, activities, and drill.
Agree to wear the AFJROTC uniform according to standards and guidance on each uniform lab day or as directed by the SASI.
Be voluntarily enrolled in the AFJROTC program.
Be approved by the SASI for continuance in the AFJROTC program.
II. Transfer Students
Transfer of students from Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or other Air Force JROTC units may be done with full credit for training already completed in good standing. The SASI will review and approve enrollment for all transfer students to ensure correct placement and eligibility.
III. Disenrollment of Students
The AFJROTC program is a voluntary elective course of study and withdrawal will be restricted to the same criteria as any other school elective. Cadets who are consistently deficient or demonstrate a negative pattern of behavior in one or more of these areas listed below, are disruptive to overall corps operations and must be disenrolled. A cadet may be involuntarily disenrolled “for cause” at the discretion of the SASI after following the disenrollment process. Actions which could result in such disenrollment include:
Failure to maintain personal grooming standards and wear of the uniform in accordance with AFJROTC regulations and applicable school/unit policies.
Refusal to participate in drill and ceremonies.
Cadets may be disenrolled from AFJROTC based on any other conduct related reason deemed appropriate by the AFJROTC SASI or the principal.
Upon direction by the Principal.
IV. Disenrollment Procedures
The following procedures will take place prior to any cadet being disenrolled.
On the cadets first violation of the rules (i.e. Failure to comply with military grooming standards, not wearing uniform, etc.) the cadet will have a letter sent home for parent’s signature describing the violation and that further violations could result in removal from AFJROTC. This will also be followed by a call/email from the SASI to the parents, counselor, and administration with an explanation of the violation.
On the second violation a conference will be called to meet with the cadet, SASI, parents, counselor and administration to discuss the continued violation of AFJROTC regulations. If the violations are not corrected at this point the SASI will explain that if the cadets conduct does not improve that the student will be removed from the program.
On the third violation the SASI will advise the cadet, parents, counselor and administration that the student will not comply with AFJROTC regulations and disenrollment of the cadet will take place.